Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow will mark the end of the CPA exam (unless I don't pass 1 or more of the parts). I'm feeling really good about everything and am the least nervous I've been for any one of the tests.

I'll write how I feel about it tomorrow night or Thursday, but I'm glad I took this summer to at least give these things a shot. It hasn't been easy, but I know if I do have to re-take any of them I'm going to go into each one with a better idea of what I should have mastered!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some News About My Test

Ok! I finally got through with NASBA and got an answer as to why my test results hadn't shown up yet. Apparently, NASBA never received my official transcript. Without this little piece of documentation, NASBA won't release my score.
After being notified of this problem, I immediately set out this morning to get my transcript sent straight to Nashville to get processed. I have NO idea how long this might take. I'm guessing my transcript will be sent Monday, will arrive in TN on Thursday, take about 2 weeks to process, and another week to receive my score. I'd love to say it'll move faster than this, but throughout this whole process of applying and sitting for the CPA exam I've discovered NASBA is anything but efficient.

While this is all tremendously unfortunate, you have no idea how relieved I am to at least have some "closure" to this situation. It sounds silly to be waiting for a score and getting so anxious, but it really is something else when it everyone is getting their score but you. Bottom line, I'm disappointed but at least now I can completely focus on my final test and try and get this son of a gun out of my life.

NASBA told me I'd be receiving my results in the mail at some point and there's a very good chance that I'll receive all four scores in one sitting (something that no one has experienced in this new age testing era). I can already picture the scene now: I'm sitting on my bed staring at the envelopes in my hands - knowing I'm 2 minutes away from absolute heartache and absolute exaltation.

I guess that's what makes life worth livin' though!


I ordered a Favre jersey.

This is going to be EPIC*.

*Get your popcorn ready!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tomorrow's Monday!

...thank you Captain Obvious. Why am I so excited about Monday? I should know my first score by the days end. I'll get to see if all the work I put in to my first test paid off.

Whew. I'm feeling a bit of pressure, I'm going to feel horrible if I have to tell you I didn't pass. I'm confident though, it was tough not really knowing what to expect, but I studied that stuff as much and I felt extremely confident after the test was over. At the end of the day, that's all you can really do.

Time has a funny way of messing with us!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Waiting - The Hardest Part

I awoke last night at 3:30 after having a rare nightmare. Going back to my days as a kid, I tried to calm myself down as reality sunk in around me. No monster under the bed, no unusual shadows slinking around. The fears I had as a child don't bother me now, I've discovered grown-up nightmares are entirely different. I'm still undecided as to what's worse.

Getting up, I decided it was time to confront the source of my angst. Flipping over my computer, I waited and yawned as my computer started up. The number 64, as arbitrary as it may seem had been floating around in my head for what seemed like an eternity. Yes, the AICPA released the scores for Business (my first CPA test - 7/2/2009) at 5 am yesterday. Unfortunately, these scores are relayed to NASBA before candidates are able to see them. States that are a part of NASBA usually release scores later that day.

I take a breath, type in my ID number and birthday. After taking a few seconds to load, I see something fill the box.........

"Error: Score not found"

"Rats..." I mumble under my breath. Still not up. I put my computer on hibernate. No use shutting it down, I'll be checking in another hour anyway.

I lay back down, openly accepting that the nightmare will re-run until I get up next time.

I get most of my CPA information from http://www.cpanet.org/, and when word got out that the AICPA released the scores to NASBA (per http://www.another71.com/) the forum exploded with anxious test takers asking questions, fretting openly, and yes - comparing their nightmares.
From about noon Friday until 9pm that night, states began to release scores to candidates and word quickly spread as to what states had released their scores. Despite my constant checking (I must have checked 150 times between 4:00 and midnight last night), Minnesota was not one of the states to release their highly anticipated results. I think Erichsen enjoyed my constant checking, he seemed to be pretty interested whenever I refreshed the page. Eventually, I gave in, told myself my score wouldn't change whether I saw it then or in the next few days, and went to bed.

Soon after though, these peaceful thoughts turned into nightmares of dreaming. For some reason, I kept dreaming of checking my score and seeing a 64. The only thing worse than seeing this score and having to tell everyone I know that I didn't pass was the number of times the dream repeated - and of course each one seemed more real than the one before it.

Fortunately, since 3:30 until now, my nightmare has proved to be the product of my active mind and not a prophecy. I honestly feel really good about the way this test went. I will be very surprised if I don't pass - but no matter how confident one is, there will always be that cloud of doubt (no matter how big or small) until you actually see those big bold numbers.

I must start studying for Audit today, but I will be checking to see if my score has been released throughout the weekend. I've got a feeling I won't know until Monday since historically scores aren't released on the weekend. Maybe I'll get lucky though!

Until then, I'll be reading the cpanet forum and reading about other people's happiness. Almost all the posts right now are from exuberant candidates who passed. You almost never hear from those that didn't pass. At times it seems like everyone passed, but you can be sure there are plenty who don't.

As for my other three tests - well, I likely won't know for another month. I'm sure the nightmares will start around mid-September.

I'll let everyone know how I did when I hear! I'm excited to actually see some results and some closure soon!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Regulation Tomorrow

Tomorrow I'll be taking my 3rd CPA test - Regulation. It's all federal tax and business law. I'm anxious for it, I want to get it done, but I'm not as worked up about it as I was with my Financial test. Overall, I just feel like the material in Reg isn't as vast and nearly as complex. I'm feeling pretty good, but I can still add a lot in this final day of studying. I took my first practice exam yesterday with decent results, but I made some mistakes that I learned from and hopefully won't do again.

I'll be taking my second practice test sometime later today. This is the 2nd shortest of the 4 tests (3 hours). Looking forward to taking it!

I'll be taking my test tomorrow at noon. My roommate, Adam, just had his MCAT yesterday - on his birthday - and with Chris gone on vacation this week it's safe to say it's been a pretty quiet week in Pinehurst 325.

Oh yea - sounds like Percy Harvin is having a pretty good camp. I hope he can prove my dad wrong :)