Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Convenient Truth

I've now become the 1,000,000 person to try and turn that into my own clever phrase. 

I stumbled upon an interesting piece from the LA Times today, regarding a recent purchase of our former Vice President Al Gore.  Apparantly Al has decided to purchase a villa on the California coast for a little bit of R&R for him in his family.

I, of course, am not bemoaning the fact that this guy spent so much money on the house, he can do what he wants with his money.  I'm sure it's a really nice place.

What is so ironic is that Mr. Gore decided he quite so scared of the ocean swallowing up his new villa due to catastrophic global warming (err I mean "Climate Change").  One would think Gore would be purchasing land much further from the dangerous oceans. 

What make me a little mad about all of this: this guy is making MILLIONS off of this whole global warming (there I go again) hoax.  He refuses to debate it.  He won't answer the tough questions.  There is more than enough evidence to prove that he has a HUGE stake in getting Cap and Trade to become a reality.  We're turning into a population who has become so naive, so ignorant, that there are people who think turning off their lights will prove to be the difference between continuing existence and a burning inferno.  Meanwhile, this guy flies all over the world, feeding his ego and wallet all the while telling us we can't live in such a way.  After all his lies, Mr. Gore decides he's gonna cozy on up against the ocean - the very place so many of his chaotic predictions are going to take place.

I have a feeling, somewhere deep inside that villa - or maybe in his hammock overlooking the ocean, Gore is smoking a big cigar, blowing smoke rings at the moon, smiling over his little ruse. 

In my opinion, it's one of the biggest cons in all of history.  Gore is laughing himself all the way to the bank. 

Wake up America. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

May is Upon Us!

Hope everyone has a great start to the week!  I think the Green Man might help get a chuckle out of a few of you...

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Quote of the Week:

"I'm gonna rise up, I'm gonna kick a little ass, Gonna kick some ass in the USA, Gonna climb a mountain, Gonna sew a flag, Gonna fly on an Eagle, I'm gonna kick some butt, I'm gonna drive a big truck, I'm gonna rule this world, Gonna kick some ass, Gonna rise up, Kick a little ass, ROCK, FLAG AND EAGLE!"


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NFL Draft Tomorrow

Tebow has got to be one of the greatest enigmas the draft has seen in some time...maybe this picture will be a prediction of a future reuniting?  Probably not but it would be sweet...

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Part of the Blog

I'm going to start a new thing with my blog - picture of the week.  I'm going to try and get back into this thing, but maybe start expanding my topics. 

You'll likely see more changes coming...especially when I get my camera fixed up.